Other pyrolyzers Other pyrolyzer Analysis using Hybrid Pyrolyzer 1 "Hybrid" Analysis of EPDM Analysis using Hybrid Pyrolyzer 2 "Hybrid" Analysis of Nylon6 Analysis of pyrolysates and their catalysates by connecting Catalytic Reactor with Pyrolyzer PY001: A New Coal Flash Pyrolysis Method Utilizing Effective Radical Transfer from Solvent to Coal (134KB) PY002: LinkIconA New Curie-point Direct Injection Probe for Mass Spectrometry 2.Application to Synthetic Polymer Analysis (128KB) PY003: LinkIconANALYSIS OF LIGNIN BY PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY I EFFECT OF INORGANIC SUBSTANCES ON GUAIACOL-DEWATIVE YIELD FROM SOFTWOODS AND TWIR LIGNINS (125KB) PY004: LinkIconAnalysis of Polyester by a Combination of Curie-Point Heating (128KB) PY005: LinkIconAnalysis of Sequence Distribution in Acrylonitrile-Fluoroacrylate Copolymer by Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography (291KB) PY006: LinkIconCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOIL ORGANIC mTrER BY CURIE-POINT PYROSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY (43KB) PY007: LinkIconClose Similarities of Chemical Structures between Light(Hexane-Soluble)and Heavy(Hexane-Insoluble and Benzene and Benzene-Soluble)Fractions of Solvent-Refined Coal (71KB) PY008: LinkIconCOMPOSITIONAL ANALYSIS OF ACRYLIC THEMOSETTING COATINGS BY PYROSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY(141KB) PY009: LinkIconCurie-point Pyrolysis of Cellulose in the Presence of Potassium Malate(111KB) PY010: LinkIconCurie-Point Pyrolysis of Cellulose (151KB) PY011: LinkIconDESIGN AND APPLICATIONS OF A Curie Point Pyrolyzer (118KB) PY012 : LinkIconDETERMINATION OF THE CROSS-LINK DFJNSITY OF VULCANIZED POLYISOPRENE BY PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY-MASS SPECTROMETRY (119KB) PY013: LinkIconDevelopment of a Curie-Point Headspace Sampler for Capmary Gas Chromatography(128KB) PY014: LinkIconEFFECTS OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPRORUS ON PYROLYTIC GAS FORMATION FROM CELLULOSIC FIBERS (157KB) PY015: LinkIconEVALUATION OF COMPOSITIONAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF STYRENE-MALEIC ANHYDRIDE COPOLYMERS BY THIN-LAYER (67KB) PY016: LinkIconFlash PyrolYtic Study On Chemical Structures of Akabira Coal Extracts and Residue (75KB) PY017: LinkIconInnestigation of the Detection Limit for the Determination by Pyrolysis-Capillary GC of the Thickness of Ultra Thin PMMA Layers Coated on to PET Film (68KB) PY018: LinkIconInnestigation of the Detection Limit for the Determination by Pyrolysis-Capillary GC of the Thickness of Ultra Thin PMMA Layers Coated on to PET Film (68KB) PY019: LinkIconMultichannel Autosampler for Curie-Point Pyrolysis Capillary Gas Chromatography(111KB) PY020: LinkIconOn the Distribution of Chlorine-Atoms in Chlorinated Polyvinylchloride Prepared by Various Methods (52KB) PY021: LinkIconPolymer Analysis Using Pyrolysis-GC-FTIR-MS and GC-AED (142KB) PY022: LinkIconPYROLYSIS AND COMBUSION BEHAVIOR OF CHLORINATED ORGANICS IN BLEACH PLANT EFFLUENT (110KB) PY023: LinkIconPYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY OF METHLY METHACRYLATE-STYRENE AND METHYL(115KB) PY024: PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY OF VINYL CHL.ORIDE-UMETHYL METHACRYLATE AND(74KB) PY025: LinkIconPYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY OF POLY(3-METHYL-1-ALKENES) (94KB) PY026 : LinkIconPYROLYSISIAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOUR OF HEAD-TO-HEAD POLYSTYRENE AND HEAD-TO-HEAD POLY(|A-METHYLSTYRENE) (100KB) PY027: LinkIconPYROLYTIC STUDIES OF CARBONACEOUS MATTER IN ANTARCTIC CARBONACEOUS CHONDRITES(161KB) PY028: LinkIconRapid analysis of coffee flavour bY gas Chromatography using a pyrolyzer(53KB) PY029: LinkIconRapid Characterization of Spices and Herbs by Direct Heating Sample Introduction Using a Curie-Point Pyrolyzer (84KB) PY030: LinkIconStudies on Thermal Degradation of Aromatic Polysters by pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography (91KB) PY031: LinkIconPYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY OF BUTADIENE CO-POLYMERS (84KB) PY032: LinkIconA New Method for the Determination of Ethanol in the Blood and Urine by Pulse Heating (131KB) PY033: LinkIconANALYSIS OF METHYLBENACTYZIUM BROMIDE IN HUMAN URINEBY THIN-LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY AND PYROLYSIS GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY (56KB) PY034: LinkIconCURIE-POINT PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY OF ALIPHATIC AMINES IN THE PRESENCE OF METAL POWDER AND INORGANIC SALT (105KB) PY035: LinkIconDETERMINATION OF ALKALOIDAL NARCOTICS by pyrolysis-gas chromatography(45KB) PY036: LinkIconDETERMINATION OF STYRENE-BUTADIENE AND ISOPRENE TIRE TREAD RUBBERS IN PILED PARTICULATE MATTER (87KB) PY037: LinkIconEFFECT OF ADDING METAL POWDER AND INORGANIC SALT TO A PYRPLYSIS FOIL ON SELECTIVE PYROLYSIS OF PHENYL ALKYLAMINES BY CURIE-POINT PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY (182KB) PY038: LinkIconEFFECT OF ADDING METAL POWDER AND INORGANIC SALT TO A PYRPLYSIS FOIL ON SELECTIVE PYROLYSIS OF PHENYL ALKYLAMINES BY CURIE-POINT PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY (132KB) PY039: LinkIconSIMULTANEOUS DETERMINATION OF NATURAL AND STYRENE-BUTADIENE RUBBER TIRE TREAD PARTICLES IN ATMOSPHERIC DUSTS BY PYROLYSIS-GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY(87KB) Application Recycling Preparative HPLC Organic GPC Columns Aqueous SEC Columns Nomal phase / Reverse phase Columns Other selective Columns 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